Cash challenge!
So you want to earn some cash while losing weight? Our next cash challenge starts on March 1st! Payout will be 80% of the buy-ins. Winners picked on how much body percentage is lost. Ex: 200 pound person loses 5 pounds and so does a 220 pound person. The 200 pound person would win because he/she lost more body percentage overall. This makes it fair to everyone! If we have $500 of buy-ins, which is 25 people, the top male and female will both walk away with $200 in cash!
Michelle and Cody both won $200 in our last challenge, why not you? The more people who enter, the bigger the payout so get your friends in!
$20 buy-in, must send video of the weigh in if not able to attend a weigh-in here at the gym. You DO NOT have to be a member of our gym to enter. Weigh-in starts March 1st. Contest ends April 9th! This gives you 6 weeks to knock this out of the park. You will be added to our secret Facebook group to help encourage you along the way as well!
Email if you want in or have questions!

You could win even more!