Jump Start Your Next Weight Cut
I have wanted to delve into some pretty good literature for our females especially on weight cut, but not specifically on the scale. We want to target fat as best we can. Now it's nearly impossible to not lose at least a little muscle mass on a cut, but with the literature from Renaissance Periodization we now have available I think we can get very close. If you're interested in joining a test group for this new nutritional thinking we will need you to email cr-fitness@hotmail.com with your contact information so we can get you enrolled. It's FREE information provided by my wife and I, but you will be asked to commit to 90 days of hard nutritional planning and follow through on your end. If you want to stop wondering how to eat and want the best results possible for your efforts in the gym, get enrolled. We will be starting around the first of September so we can knock this cut out by Thanksgiving. Get your info in!